We ate at Pizza Hut - I forgot how much I like that pizza. It was fun. The good news is that we were only like 4 miles from McElroy Auditorium were the concert would be. We headed on over to McElroy around 5:30. We got in line - prob about the first 200 people. I'm used to going to concerts in the big city. There were probably only 3-4 thousand people there. McElroy is an old auditorium with low ceilings. The seats are old wood stadium seats and their were posts to hold up the ceiling. It reminded me of a miniture Cincinnati Gardens - what I remember.
The concert was incredible. The warm up band was ok. Then came Audio Adrenaline. WOW! I loved it! it could have been louder - low ceilings probably hurt us there. I love their energy, passion! It's a Big Big House, Ocean Floor, He Lifts Me Up where just a few of the great songs they played.
Mercy Me came on next and they were fantastic as usual. Word of God Speak, Spoken For, So Long Self, and of course I Can Only Imagine were all included. Bart's voice was huge as usual. It's amazing to see him pulling the mic away from his mouth and still coming out over top the band. He also talked about his upbringing in a southern baptist church. He challenged the crowd to grow in their faith toward maturity, unlike some of the unkind elderly people in the church. : (
It's hard to believe that Audio A has been at it for 15 years. Adios Audio Adrenaline. Thanks for the memories. You were awesome!
Erin and I were there also... actually we were in the second row of chairs in the center section! We almost got sweated on! ;-)
Amazing concert! The best part for me was when Phil Wikim talked about touring with Audio A and Mercy Me and how they lived thier faith... not just sing about it. It makes it a lot easier to listen to a band that seems to be very genuine!
Hi Bro Tye,
Alfia and I saw Audio Adrenaline this past for our Anniversary in Myrtle Beach. Someone gifted us a resort concert package. Indeed, I think AA is a good solid band but there are beginning to be too little of such these days.
Pray for my back pain - some days I just want to go home - the pain is unbearable. MRI to be done this Monday, see what results are. Your kids look great.
We have a 17 year -Jake, left home and is trying to make it on his own - did not like house rules. Pray for God to Tug his heart towards Him. It is tough for Alfia and I - still comes home to say hello and get things etc. Tough love! Joe
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