My daughter Mackenzie horseback riding
This past Saturday was a busy day around our house. On top of that, our church ( was having a nationally known speaker from Bryan College in Dayton, TN John Stonestreet speaking at the church on topics I am very interested in. I had to allow my personal priorities dictate what I should do. What are your priorities? Here's two of mine.
My first priority is God. More than ever I am realizing how dependent on God I am and how much I need to continue cultivating a deep relationship with him. My time alone with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe is something I constantly work on.
My second priority is family. My family and I have just walked through two of the most difficult years of our lives. Since January 2004 we had to look for a new ministry position which caused a lot of difficulty. We felt rejected and betrayed. We circled the wagons and I spent a lot of time focusing on ministering to my wife and children as we looked for another church to serve.
Having our priorities in order will help us as we try to juggle the many responsibilities of life. In a world where we often have many good choices to choose from, it helps guide us to the best choices.
The picture of Mackenzie, our 7 year old daughter? Well, instead of attending a really wonderful seminar that would have served me and my career, I'm happy to share that I took my daughter to go get a pumpkin and a pony ride. I'm glad I did.
Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. Mark 10:42-44NIV
Hey Tye,
Good start of your blog. Can't wait to read more of what you will share with us. One idea you might think about is useing the word vervification system they have with blogspot. It will keep some of the spam comments that will come your way. Also, if you would like to read updates on my blog and make comments please do:
Hey Tye. You're off to a good start--Kim Pagel must be proud! I see it's the youth pastors who like making comments! Check out my blog at
Mark Forstrom
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