The bus arrived at 1915 hours (7:15pm) and the "recruits" were met by their drill sergant Travis Klopfenstein. We were assigned to a fire squad (4-5 men) and given a name - we were Bravo Squad. We created tee shirts with our squad's name on it.
Steve Adolph led us in worship and then Steve Jenkins gave us our first "Briefing" (talk). Steve J. told us about his father who was a decorated combat veteran with the Marines serving in World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. Lt. Colonel Bob Jenkins was a forward observer with an artilery unit. Col. Jenkins landed on Iwo Jima and helped take the island.
It was a great weekend with lots of stories from Steve's father's life as well as others who have served our country. The outline was simple:
1. Prepared to Die - Christ laid down his life for us, and we need to be prepared to do the same.
2. Know the Enemy - Our battle is not with flesh and blood; it is a spiritual battle against satan
3. Stand Inspection - Are we fully prepared to stand God's inspection?
And we did have some fun too! We had spud shooting competition which was a blast - ha! We also got to do some tubing on the snow. It was a great weekend.
Special thanks to the leaders (hope I don't miss anyone): Steve Jenkins, Travis Klopfenstein, Steve Morris, Kurt Tennyson, Jeremy Bushlack, and Bryan Fentress. You guys did it right! Tye out.
P.S. Did I mention it was below zero degrees most of the time and NO ONE complained!
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