Not your father’s cantata? Well, my dad would have loved it because it was big band music in the style of Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, and others. This past weekend NCBC presented a Christmas Cantata that featured a big band, 70+ voice choir, and Acts of Worship our drama team. As you can see in the picture, I was playing big band music to the glory of God and loving every minute of it! You see...
24 years ago this week I sat in a night club in Middletown Ohio playing 1st tenor sax in the Cecil Young Orchestra. We played all the oldies from the 1940’s when swing was king.
24 years ago I walked out of that Middletown club and gave my life back to the Lord and my career in jazz/studio music. It was a long drive home with more questions than answers, but I knew that God wanted me out of the clubs.
24 years ago this week I sat in a night club in Middletown Ohio playing 1st tenor sax in the Cecil Young Orchestra. We played all the oldies from the 1940’s when swing was king.
24 years ago I walked out of that Middletown club and gave my life back to the Lord and my career in jazz/studio music. It was a long drive home with more questions than answers, but I knew that God wanted me out of the clubs.
24 years ago I took my sax, placed it in the case, and laid it on the God’s altar for him to take. I NEVER dreamed that I would ever play big band music again, let alone in the church.
24 years later on the same weekend that I walked out of the night club I was back on the stage again, playing in a big band, for the glory of God!!! The Good News of the gospel was presented clearly through the drama and many prechristians heard the message.
You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments. Amos 6:5NIV
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:2-3NIV
I love the bowtie! Very 40ish. The music was pretty good too! I'm glad the Lord didn't allow the sax to sit idle for very long before He had you pick it back up again.
What an honor to also play my sax to the backdrop of the Good News. (I'm the clown with the grey shirt next to Tye- no one said it was too bad during rehearsals, but I see in the pic's it stuck out too much. Yikes.) This guy (Tye) is GOOD! Oh what fun we had!
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