My crazy weekend culminated with an incredible day on Sunday as we signed up Hosts for small groups and tried to connect folks to small groups. It was crazy! We started out Sunday morning with just over 40 Host homes and ended the day with between 50 and 60. Here's what happened...
Saturday night I headed to the church around 7:15 PM to go through all the groups and figure out which groups could take more people and which ones were full. I put all this info into a spread sheet and then created spread sheets for each of the days of the week with the Host homes on them so people could walk up to the table and sign up for an existing group. I finished up around 10:15 and headed home after a long day.
Sunday morning I was back in at 6:45 AM to put the books out on the table. What happened next I would have never predicted.
After the 8 AM service the table was flooded with people trying to find a group to get into. We were also selling books to folks who were unable to be in a small group. It was crazy, but all good!
After the 9:20 service, it was crazier than ever! We had Hosts picking up their packets and books, people purchasing books, and folks trying to find a group to get into! I have never heard "Pastor Tye?" uttered so many times in my life. It was great! I loved every minute of it!
At 10:55 we still had a crowd and someone came to get me to lead Host Orientation at 11 AM. Typically we only have a couple by now because we have been conducting these all month. Well, we have about 12 people to be trained at Hosts! O MY! Then it was back to the table for more mayhem! (I'm lovin' it by now!!!)
I ran home, scarfed some cold pizza and headed out to cut the grass - no kidding. Then, clean up and work on the spreadsheets based on the changes the morning brought.
Back at the church at 4:30 to prepare for another round. It was a little slower in the evening, but Host Orientation had about 18 people there. INCREDIBLE!!!
At the end of the day, one group had 18 in it and was going to have to multiply already!!! Two groups that had zero people had LOTS of people. I'll bet the Hatfields and Page's were shocked when the phone started ringing all afternoon. Applegate's group got a crowd as did Schmidt's!
I still have a few hours of processing to go this morning and the groups should be fairly well established. In the coming weeks I'll be giving updates and small group ideas.
A very tired, but fulfilled...Tye out.