Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Men's Fraternity Tuesday PM launches with 43 men!

Last year we launched our very first Men's Fraternity group at New Covenant Bible Church. But I knew that there were men who could not make the Wednesday morning group so Joe Meyer started a group in his home and did a great job.

This year it was my goal to launch a Tuesday evening Men's Fraternity group that would meet at our 46th street campus. We put together a leadership team and began planning.

Tonight at 6:30 PM we launched with 43 men! And of that group about 35 were first time attenders to Men's Fraternity.

Thanks to our team leader Tom Green, and the rest of the crew: Mike Johnson, Gary Thompson, Shaun Elhard, Ken Owens, and Dave Dawson. You guys did a great job tonight.

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