I just finished reading Wayde Goodall's book
Why Great Men Fall last night and over the next few weeks I would like to share my insights with you as we seek to understand how a man like Ted Haggard could get involved in such sinful behavior. Goodall compares our life journey to a minefield in a battlefield and that there are potential land mines that can derail us. He lists 15 possibilities for failure. Here we go: (pp14-15)
1. Do I feel a sense of entitlement? - "I deserve this because of who I am or what I do."
2. Am I a gifted entrepreneur - but my life is out of balance?
3. Do I have the ability to compartmentalize my moral choices? Can I do something wrong and then mentally put it aside while I do something right?
4. Do I expect my employees and peers to keep quiet when I do questionable things?
5. Am I a "high risk" man who loves the adrenaline rush of danger or compromise?
6. Am I a magnet for women" Do they love my power, money, influence, and personality? [definitely NOT my prob - tye]
7. Is my intergity in check?
8. Am I surrounded by "yes men" with very little accountability?
9. Do I compromise my conscience?
10. Who is my mentor? Who am I a mentor to?
11. Do I play by my own rules? Do I have an ethical code?
12. Do I handle stress in a healthy way?
13. What do I do with my moeny? Integrity includes both my physical and my financial self.
14. Are my moods under control?
15. Have I found a balance with money, sex, and power?
There you go. How did you do? A couple of them challenged me so I will be working on them.
BTW, this is a great guide to help you as you mentor others. also, when you are looking to work at a church or secular work place it will help you identify potential issues.
And, need I mention servant leadership? If we are servant leaders, then most of this stuff takes care of itself.
Tye out.