Saturday, October 10, 2009
Steve Harvey Introduces Christ
Here are the words for this:
If I had the pleasure of bringing out Christ, this is just how I would do it. It ain't got to be the way you'd do it. You might not think it's just right. But this is how I would do it. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce a man, who needs no introduction. His credits are too long to list. He has done the impossible. Time after time. He hails out of a manger, in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, by way of Heaven. His mother is still headlining in the Catholic Church today. His daddy is the author of a book, that has been on the best seller list, since the beginning of time. He holds the record for the world's greatest fish fry. He fed 5,000 hungry souls with 2 fish, 5 loaves of bread. He can walk on water. Turn water into wine. No special effects. No camera tricks. He has a headshot, on every Church fan across the country. Even before the kings of comedy, he was hailed 'The King of all Kings' 'Ruler of the Universe' 'Alpha and Omega' 'Beginning and the End' 'The Bright and the Morning Star' Some say He's the rules of sharing, and some say He's 'The Prince of Peace' Get up on your feet. Put your hands together. And show your love for the 2nd coming, of the one and only. God has been good. Steve Harvey
Friday, October 09, 2009
Jesus Christ, Who Cares
Here is my message for this Sunday. Feel free to comment!
Pastor Tye Male We Believe #4 October 11, 2009
Jesus Christ, Who Cares
Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 4:14-16
- The Son of God – His Deity (Philippians 2:5)
Jesus was fully God before the incarnation and after. - Present in Creation (Genesis 1:1; John 1:3)
- Possesses the attributes of deity
· Omnipresence
· Omniscience
- Claimed to be God (John 8:58)
·Lord, Liar, Lunatic
- The Son of Man – His Humanity (Philippians 2:6-8)
Jesus was as much God as if He were not man, and as much man as if He were not God.
- He became a servant
- He willingly emptied Himself (2:6)
·He chose to “empty Himself”
·He did it obediently to provide man’s redemption (2:8)
·His divine attributes were still present
- He became flesh
- Because of the incarnation, we have an empathetic High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16)
- He understands and empathizes
·Jesus was tested
·“Without” sin
- We can approach God confidently
·It is a place of grace
·We receive mercy because of Jesus’ sacrifice
·There is grace to help in our time of need.
Jesus is the Son of God and He cares for me!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I agree with President Obama this time
Shot and killed in a church. That is just wrong, VERY WRONG!
I couldn't agree more.
Dr. Tiller was taking the lives of preborn children, a fact that is incontrovertible. But the assailant took matters into his own hands when God ordains government to deal with such matters.
Jesus gave us a very simple formula for living our lives as Christ-followers: Love God and love people. The assailant missed this part of the Bible.
It is not easy to love people who are taking the lives of innocent, preborn children. But when you consider that Jesus allowed himself to be nailed to a cross for our sins, loving people becomes easier. And it is right to love them.
And the assailant was in church. I'm happy for that.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A right perspective
Job answered God,: "I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans. You asked, 'Who is this muddying the water, ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?' I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me, made small talk about wonders way over my head." Job 42: 1-3 The Message
I have to say every day, "I'm convinced God. You can do anything and everything." In my early years of ministry I had an answer for everything. I would go toe-to-toe with people about deep theological issues spouting and pontificating, babbling and muddying the waters. Not so much any more. I've come to the conclusion that there are some things I will never know or understand.
One thing is certain though: God can do anything and everything. My fear is that I don't live as if I believe this is true. I've got some room for growth especially in this area. Tye out.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I don't wear "Christian gear"
This is pure craziness. But it demonstrates to me the power of influence. If Michael Jordan is sponsored by a company, their revenue goes up because of his ability to influence people.
As Christ-followers, we have the power to influence people for Jesus Christ. Many people wear "Christian Gear" and some even have Christian bumper stickers. Anyone care for a "Testamint" to freshen your breath? Not me.
Love God, love people. Mark 12:30 paraphrased. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Mark 12:35
Christ-followers are the best advertisement for a God who loves us, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead three days later. And we advertise best when we are loving people the way Christ loved us, unconditionally.
Tye out.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Aerial Pictures of the Future Home of New Covenant Bible Church
Mackenzie and I went flying with our friend Ed Wischmeyer and we were able to take some pictures of our church's future home. Enjoy!
Click here to enjoy!
Tye out.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The Good News About Storms

Click here for the link.
Here is a little background from my life and why this message touched me in a special way.
It has now been 4 years since the new senior pastor at the church where I was serving explained that he was now in charge and needed me to leave. Just like that. To his credit, he allowed me to stay on staff until I found a position, but then again this was not just for my own good, but also served him well in the eyes of the people.
That lunch "termination" sen me and my family into a tailspin for several years now and the economic, social, and spiritual losses were enormous. If it were an earthquake it would have been 7.8 on the Richter Scale. Had it been a tornado it would have been an F5.
We have weathered the spiritual and social losses, but we are reminded of the economic losses every day. Each day is a faith walk and we are trusting God more and more every day. Tye out.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
President Obama chooses pragmatism over principle

Chuck Colson (pictured above) of Prison Fellowship and BreakPoint Ministries wrote this article and I wanted you to see it. I am sad that we have a president who is so inexperienced and who's values run very counter to mine. The mainstream media is singing the praises of their new president. They campaigned hard for him and they should be proud of their accomplishment!
This article is well written and definitely something we should be aware of. Here is Colson's article:
As I noted yesterday on BreakPoint, the inauguration of America’s first African-American President was one of the most moving moments in American history.
But now that the celebrations are over, it’s time to take a close look at how President Obama is planning to govern. And the closer I look, the greater my concerns. In his first week in office, he showed shown an alarming tendency to choose pragmatism over principle.
For example, I applaud the President ordering higher ethical standards for lobbying. “If you are a lobbyist entering my administration,” Obama said, “you will not be able to work on matters you lobbied on, or in the agencies you lobbied during the previous two years.”
Unless, that is, your name is William Lynn. Obama appointed him as deputy secretary of defense—despite the fact that, until very recently, he had been a lobbyist for Raytheon, one of the nation’s biggest defense contractors, right up until the time he was appointed.
When the press challenged him on this, Obama said
Pragmatism trumped principle.
Obama used the same argument when it turned out that his choice for Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, had neglected to pay $35,000 in self-employment taxes for a number of years. Senator Robert Byrd—a member of Obama’s own party—called Geithner’s behavior “inexcusable negligence.” He’s right.
Again, pragmatism trumped principle. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Barak Obama and history in the making

- My office at First Baptist Church in Medina, Ohio.
- The milk cooler at Flav-O-Rich Dairy in Rossville, Georgia.
- My living room in Wadsworth, Ohio.
- The nursery at the Gospel House in Walton Hills, Ohio.
- Orchestra/band practice at Temple Baptist Church, Rossville, GA.
And it is not likely that you will forget what your were doing on this historic day when the first ever African-American was sworn into office as the President of the United States. Our nation has come a long way since the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, January 1, 1863 as this nation headed toward its third bloody year of civil war.
Our nation has come a long way since the rioting in the south in the 50's and 60's. Desegregation, while messy and difficult, helped move our nation away from segregation and toward a nation where all men are born with "inalienable" rights.
Martin Luther King, Jr. took a stand and would not back down. He had a dream and I can't help think that I am watching that dream come true. Rosa Parks represents African-Americans who took a stand against the evils of segregation and many of them, like King, payed the ultimate sacrifice. (If you click on the link to Martin Luther King, Jr. You will be treated a sermon by Dr. King on servant leadership. Amazing)
Today I feel proud to be an American. I also feel humbled to be a Christ-follower because I realize that it is from the Bible, the Creator God's word to mankind, gives us the rights we so graciously enjoy here in the states. Having been to nations that do not enjoy the freedoms we enjoy here I can say this.
While I most certainly do not agree with much of President Obama's ideology, I am commanded in the Bible to pray for him. No one really knows, outside of God, what the next four years will bring us.
May God bless our new president and his family. May God bless our great nation! Tye out.
P.S. Here is the historical events mentioned in my opening:
- 9/11 Terrorist Attack (I watched the second plane drive into the tower)
- Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster
- U.S. Invasion into Iraq (The next day I flew to Belgium.)
- O. J. Simpson trial verdict (the only TV at the church was in the nursery for closed circuit)
- Tragic death of Dale Earnhardt in Daytona, Florida at the Daytona 500.
Friday, January 16, 2009
President Bush's Final TV Address

I am saddened that our nation has elected an inexperienced candidate who has already changed his mind on many things. What is sadder is the fact that the press, who attacked Sarah Palin and John McCain with a vengeance for everything they said, has once again given "their" candidate a free pass.
I would like to honor President Bush and say thank you for serving our country through some very difficult times. Thank you for keeping your promises and having integrity while doing so. Thank you for the example you provided us as a strong, yet compassionate leader. You never asked our country to go where you had never been.
God bless the Bush's as they return to "normal" life and may God bless our great nation!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island - and a lesson for the church

Australia is looking to hire someone to live on an island paradise for 6 months and blog about the island in order to raise the level of tourism. Click here for the entire article.
SYDNEY (AFP) – An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.
The salary - $105,000 USD for six months.
In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
But why are they doing this?
"Traditional tourism advertising just doesn't cut it sometimes and we are thinking outside the box by launching this campaign."
Have I got your attention yet? I believe there is a leadership lesson in this. I believe that the church that is successful in the future will have to use these types of marketing ideas. Here's how it works:
1. Pastors/leaders begin blogging/twittering about their experiences. Click here to see a post I read about this topic yesterday.
2. Followers of Christ begin living their lives "for the whole world to see." It is truly possible that when the world sees what we have in Christ and who we are in him they might want to "explore the island."
3. While the pay might not be that good, the benefits are out of this world!
Whattayathink? Let me know. Tye out.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy birthday Erica!
Happy birthday Erica! Have a great day! Tye out.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Painting the master bedroom and bathroom
Wednesday morning I picked up the paint at Home Depot and on Friday afternoon I started prepping the rooms to be painted. We moved some of the furniture out and covered everything else. Blue painter's tape protected the woodwork and I readied my canvas drop cloth. Click on the pic for a slide show.
Saturday morning I started "cutting in" which means painting all the edges next to the ceiling and woodwork. This required two coats. Special thanks to Todd Stafford for coming over and helping me. I got the first "cut in" coat done by 12:30 PM and then we headed on to a wedding.
At 6:30 PM I resumed painting as I cut in the second coat. At 11:15 I decided to roll the first coat and it took me until 1:15 am to finish. Sunday afternoon I finished the second coat between the morning and evening services at the church.
Monday night I began the process of putting everything back together and cleaning up. Also, I had to fix a bad crack over the door which involved cutting out part of the old drywall and then retaping it. I decided to paint around the problem while I worked on it. Tonight (Thursday) I applied the texture and tomorrow I will finish painting.
I enjoy painting a great deal because (1) it is fairly easy to do, (2) it is one thing I actually know how to do pretty well, and (3) it is very rewarding when you finish. Tye out.
Ty installs our DIRECTV
Funny thing. Ty (pictured above) was the name of our installer. Actually, his name is Tyrone, just like me. He was polite, knowledgeable, and very professional. Thanks Ty for a job well done! Click here for a brief slide show.
We bundled ours with Qwest DSL and saved some money. I'm glad to be away from Mediacom. Tye out.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Ten Commandments - Redneck Version

The Ten Commandments - Redneck version (sent to my by my good friend Patt Papesh)
(1) Just one God
(2) Put nothin' before God
(3) Watch yer mouth
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'
(5) Honor yer Ma & Pa
(6) No killin'
(7) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal
(8) Don't take what ain't yers
(9) No tellin' tales or gossipin'
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff
Works for me! Tye out.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
John & KellyTravolta's grief

I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to lose a child to death and one such as this. The grief that they are experiencing must be intense and difficult to say the least. What do you say to someone to encourage them in times like this?
I'm not sure what I would say if I did not believe that there is a God with a plan and purpose for every single one of us. God, our Creator, knows what is best in our lives and also knows how best to encourage and bring some kind of sense to such a tragic event.
When you put your faith and confidence in Jesus Christ alone he fuses your life with meaning, purpose, and value. I feel bad for people who either refuse to trust God or have never heard the message in a relevant way.
If you believe in prayer I encourage you to say a prayer for the Travolta's, their family, and friends. If you don't believe in God or prayer, I'm not sure what you are supposed to do. Tye out.
Now we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest who have no hope. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 NET
Friday, January 02, 2009
Reading your Bible in 2009

2008 was an interesting year in many respects. My wife was consumed with nursing school and I became consumed with a flood here in CR. With her being gone a lot I wasn't able to firewall a lot of time for reading like I had in previous years.
Last year I read the Bible through a couple times and the year before that three times. This year was just once.
I will start my 2009 read-through tomorrow morning and I hope to finish sometime in December. For me, here are the keys to success when attempting to read God's word:
1. Have a plan - this is the most important. I use Google "Bible read through" and you can find online plans that you can even print out.
2. Read at your best time - for me it is right after workouts before showering. This is usually around 6:30-7 AM.
3. Have a designated place - I used to read at Panera but as Mr. Mom I had to be home in the mornings for Mackenzie. I either read at the dining room table or my desk whichever has the most woodgrain showing!
4. Listen to soothing music or sounds - I use headphones to cancel out voices and noises. I use one of those meditation type trax with the sounds of the ocean and pan pipes. If I listen to jazz, I wind up digging the cool licks.
5. Stay slightly ahead - Mark Forstrom recommended this one. He says that if you are always behind then your attitude won't be as good. It's best to read out of abundance rather than deficit.
6. Grace-oriented - if you get behind either skip ahead and get back on track or adjust your reading schedule.
Good luck with your Bible reading this year! Let me know how it goes. Tye out.
Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NET
Thursday, January 01, 2009
.4235 lb burgers on the grill
As I was doing the cooking encountered a couple minor issues:
1. The 29 degrees Fahrenheit caused the charcoal to take 45 minutes to heat up, rather than the usual 20 minutes.
2. I thought the packages of ground beef contained one pound each. They were two pound packages. I typically make four burgers per pound, so we had 1/2 pound burgers. Since the meat was 93% lean, they were REALLY around .4235 pounds each. The burgers were filling.
3. The cooking of the .4235 lb burgers took a lot longer to cook than a .263 burger would.
4. The cold temps also added to the cooking time, so it took about 30 minutes to cook the .4235 lb burgers.
The family was appreciative of the delicious .4235 lb hamburgers even though three folks could not finish theirs! Tye out.
One word: DeWALT
Well, Monday I saw that the kit I wanted dropped $170!!! Plus, I had a coupon for 10% off, 12 months same-as-cash. I picked it up Wednesday and already used the drill to fix a towel rod that had ripped out of the wall. Click here for the specs.
And with the flood relief I am sure that I will be able to get some use out of it. A very grateful Tye out.
P.S. Only a guy would post this, and I did. Click here for more pics.
Top Ten New Year's Resolutions for Couples
Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for Couples
In an article appearing in Associated Content, Sally Albright suggests that the new year is a good time for couples to be reminded of some simple but powerful ways to strengthen their relationships. To that end, she presents her Top Ten New Year's Resolutions for Couples:
#10: Exercise Together
Exercising together as a couple can make getting more exercise fun, and you and your spouse can truly have a "healthy" relationship.
#9: Cook Together
Cooking dinner together is a great way to spend time together.
#8: Play Games Together
Take the time to have some fun with your spouse by playing games together — especially in the colder winter months.
#7: The Little Things
Sometimes, it's the littlest of things that really matter. Something as simple as setting the coffee machine to brew in the morning or opening the car door for your spouse can really show how much you care.
#6: Get Romantic
The types of romantic gestures you do really depends on what your spouse considers to be romantic, whether it be bouquets of flowers or cuddling together and watching a football game on TV.
Click here to read the rest. Tye out.