Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's No Longer "PASTOR" Tye's Weekly Update

I don't have a doctor's degree - wish I did. But I am just a plain old pastor. But, that's PASTOR Tye. In fact, my friend Tom calls me PT to this day. Other's want to be called doctor. If you are my physician then I certainly don't mind calling you doctor, but why would I call my pastor "doctor"? If he (or she if that is your case) is a shepherd of God's flock, wouldn't you rather call him "servant"? Others sign their name and put "MBA" or "ESQ." Titles have their place, but not for servant leaders.

In Lead Like Jesus we are learning that in order to be great leaders, we must be great servants.

But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are brothers. - Quote from Jesus in Matt. 23:8 NIV

What is a Rabbi? Today it would be a professor, or Ph.D. Did you hear that? Jesus told us not to allow anyone to call us "Professor" or "Doctor." You might say to yourself, these titles are important to get people to listen to me when I teach. How can I get people to follow me without the credentials? (Lead Like Jesus, Ken Blanchard, p 59.) I want people to follow me for who I am, not what I have done or accomplished.

The greatest among you will be your servant. Quote from Jesus in Matt. 23:11 NIV

So, just call me Tye. If I ever get a doctor's degree, I hope you never find out! If you must call me by some title, then let it be "servant."

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30 NIV

1 comment:

Kim Pagel said...

It's a joy to serve with you. What an awesome post! God is going to use you in an incredible way here at New Covenant. You're a good egg man!!