Dear Medina County Court,
I am confused about something. How can a man who has neglected his wife for several years, not been around for his children (and most recently has been physically abusive with one daughter) leave his wife for another woman and turn around and sue for divorce and in one fell swoop have her kicked out of her own home and restrained from seeing the children she gave birth to - for 9 weeks.
Then she was found to be unstable and not have the ability to raise her kids. What mother wouldn't be emotionally distraught when she is kicked out of her house and told to ordered to stay away from the kids by a man who was rarely there to begin with. And all this knowing that she did not have a job or a place to go. How could this happen?
You then decided to have the father live in the house with the kids one week, then the mother moves back in and lives there a week and so on - week after week. What psychological study endorses this decision? How in the world can this be construed to even be close to a healthy situation? Could you please help me understand this?
Yesterday the attorney's strong armed this woman into signing away her kids (2 weeks with him, one week with her) saying that if it went to hearing she would lose the kids all together and never see them again. How can this be? (her lack of funds resulted in her having inadequate representation)
Is she a drug addict? No. Has she been a bad mother? No. She is guilty of caring for and loving her kids something that could never be said of the father - just ask the children. The court appointed guardian (I don't know her name) made her recommendations having observed our friend for 15 minutes. How can this be allowed to happen?
The father? He set this whole thing up, treated her like the enemy and caused her unbelievable emotional stress. Then he stole the house and kids away because she was emotionally stressed. And he did this with his money keeping it all away from the mother.
We drove here from Iowa to speak to the character of our friend (the mom) and what a wonderful mother she is and we were even denied the opportunity to do this. I'm not mad about this - we still would have come to support her no matter what.
Medina County Court, how can you let this happen? There is something terribly wrong here and I hope to God (and I have prayed a lot about this terrible situation) that this injustice is exposed and the truth wins out. Tye out.
To anyone reading this blog: can you help me know what a logical next step would be for this woman? She needs a good attorney but has no funds. She is truly trapped. Please email me and let me know if you can help:
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