1. Remodeling the basement - I am finally motivated to work on the basement project and it is going pretty well. We have one more session (4 hours) to go and the bedroom and family room will be drywalled. yippee.
2. Coaching - I am taking a course that teaches you how to be a life coach. Part of this involves me being coached. My coach Dan Mattson has been working with me on organization of our home office, files, and finances. I have made incredible strides already! More later.
3. Ministry stuff - I am the team leader for our small group ministry and we are getting ready to launch our fall Impact. There is a lot of behind the scenes work involved and we have been busy getting ready for the launch in September. We are also launching a Tuesday evening Men's Fraternity group September 18 and the team has been working on this as well.
4. Extra-curricular - I am still working at Panera on Friday's and that has been going well. Bike riding? Not too much, and now I have a toasted rear wheel - $150 bucks and I'm not sure what to do. anyone have an old racing bike laying around from 1988 and on?
Needless to say I have been very busy. I'm actually on vacation (well, sort of) this week visiting friends, reading, and blogging. More on my week later! Tye out.
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