Sunday, July 08, 2007

Tour de France

The Tour de France started yesterday and I am amped! You can watch videos, view pics, and read newsflashes on For the next three weeks I will be glued to the computer reading the newsflashes and watching the online videos.

The Tour de France is a 3 week stage race where the winner will be the rider with the least amount of elapsed time wins the race. This year's race started in London, England for the very first time and then moves over to France, with a brief ride through Belgium. The race will go through the Swiss Alps for three days and then the Pyrenees Mountains bordering Spain for another three days of horrendous climbing. (click here for an animated map) Click here to learn more about the TDF.

There are 195 riders with 9 riders on each team. (I think that's right) Each year the Tour starts with a Prologue which features a short ride one rider at a time. They ride time trial bikes that are designed to slice through the air that cost well over $8k dollars or more. (click here to watch a video about these state-of-the-art bikes).

The winner of the Prologue receives the coveted yellow jersey (Maillot Jaune) and becomes the first tour leader. That's it for now. Keep checking back for regular updates. Tye out.

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