Ok, so I'm exagerating a bit. Last Wednesday I had to have a stress test - the one where they put you on the treadmill hooked up to the ole E.K.G. (see picture, but it's not me) I don't really care to run much because it hurts my achilles tendon, but the treadmill is not bad.
So, we started out walking and because I workout frequently it took a while to get my heart rate up to the target zone -170 bpm. We eventually got up into the 170's and I was feeling great! The cardiologist said he had all he needed and asked if I wanted to continue and of course I did. Once we got into the 180's I started really feeling it - lactic burn, and this non-runner was beginning to struggle. He again asked if I wanted to quit and you guessed it - no way! I told him that my max HR (maximum heart rate) was 192 so let's try for 190. I finally hit 190 at nearly 14 minutes of running, and as usual my heart rate dropped like a rock right back down to 120 very quickly. It was a great workout! So why did I need a stress test? Keep reading...
A couple of weeks ago I was out on my bike and for no apparent reason (while I was taking a break in the saddle) my HR went up incrementally to 229 bpm! Was it my HRM (heart rate monitor)? Nope! Was I having chest pains? Tightness? Nope, nope and noperoni (that was for TM in Dallas). I managed to get my HR back down into the 190's so I gently rode into downtown Albernett (pop. 250 I think) and called Judy to come get me.
Welp, my doctor, Jim Bell (and he is an incredible jazz pianist), attends our church and he gave me the report tonight. Everything is fine and I'm going to live to be 110 years old. YEAH!!!
Two Saturday's ago I stood on the side of a road in the middle of Iowa where there is mostly corn and beans and thought I might be taking a trip to heaven. And you know what, I was ready! But God thought differently!
You never know when your time will be up here on planet earth. Let's live for God and make the most of the days he has given us!
So be careful how you live, not as fools but as those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. Ephesians 5:15-16NLT
Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. 1 Timothy 2:8ish The Message
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