Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How well are you leading?

I read a blog over at LifeChurch.tv: Swerve and this one written by Chris Johnson, one of the leaders at LifeChurch.tv, caught my attention. Like Chris, I have met some really great leaders, some so-so leaders, and some not-so-great leaders. I've met servant leaders who are extremely successful as well as some self-serving leaders who while being successful burn out people and organizations.

Chris offers a list of good vs. not-so-good leader characteristics.

Good leadership vs. Bad Leadership

1. Passionate about one’s job vs. It is just a job

2. Values one’s team vs. Has employees

3. Knows one’s team vs. Should not be personal at work

4. Takes time to develop their strengths vs. Focuses on their weakness

5. Gives people a chance to fail vs. Controls every decision

6. Takes time to reward good work vs. It is their job

7. Click here to read the other six.

Tye here. So, how did you do? Let me know. Tye out.

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