Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas to everyone! This is the traditional day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, although most are certain it was the first week of January. As we prepare to share gifts with one another I always take a moment to remind myself that without the birth of a little baby in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago my life would be meaningless.

Jesus Christ has fused my life with meaning, purpose and value. You see, in his death, burial, and resurrection I received new life and eternal life at the same time. I have someone besides myself to live for and some day when I escape this earth's surly bonds I will spend eternity with the one who gave everything for me.

I hope that this Christmas that Christ's birth will remind you of what life is really all about and that we live well when we live for something besides ourselves. Merry Christmas.

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