I know I am supposed to be working on my talk for next Sunday, but my eye caught this article on Yahoo! News and it moved me deeply. Take a few minutes to watch this video. Warning - it is moving!
Wow! That was powerful! Click here for the actual site and see the comments that were posted. Love is a powerful thing. (that was "love," not "lust") This is the reason Christ came. He died on a cross so that our sins could be forgiven and so we could love one another. Our world is filled with hate (just check out some of the "Christian" sites - they seem so angry!) and it so desperately needs to know the love of Christ through a committed Christ follower.
So, give someone a hug today - just because. And if you haven't hugged your wife and kids today, then what you waiting for? Tye out.
Greet one another with a holy kiss. 2 Co 13:12NKJV
As soon as i get home i'm going to lay a monster hug on my wife! Thanks tye! great stuff!
That made my day! What a simple concept and yet so powerful.
Love your blog and read it often. It's a blessing. Linda
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