Thursday, December 06, 2007

Gaining control over our secret thought life

I receive a weekly email from Patrick Morley of Man in the Mirror and this one was especially good because I know exactly what he is talking about! As a man, I realize that this struggle is very real and this is why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts and our minds, taking them captive for Christ. Here is what Pat writes:

There is an ancient fable about a scorpion and a turtle. The scorpion, a poor swimmer, asks a turtle to carry him on his back across a river. The turtle said, “That’s insane! You’ll sting me while I’m swimming and I’ll drown.”

“Dear turtle,” laughed the scorpion, “If I were to sting you and you drowned, I would drown with you. That would not be logical!”

Persuaded, the turtle said, “You’re right, of course. Hop on.”

The scorpion climbed on the turtle’s back, but halfway across the river it gave the turtle a fatal sting. As they both sank toward the bottom the turtle said, “You said it would not be logical for you to sting me, so why did you do it?”

“It has nothing to do with logic,” the scorpion replied. “It’s just my character.”

Secret thoughts are just like that scorpion. They will bite you every time.

Click here to read the rest of the article - it is well worth it!

He's absolutely right. Us men need other men in our lives to help hold us accountable and to partner with us as we seek to live our lives as godly men. If you don't have a mentor I would strongly urge you find one, and it can't be your wife guys! It's great to have someone to bounce ideas off and to air things out with. Tye out.

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